Thursday, June 21, 2007

Before I came into the truth, I felt like a mouse running on a wheel. Regardless of whether I was tired, sleepy, hungry, sad or happy, that wheel just continued to turn in no direction. There was no beginning and no end and nothing to hope for. For me, life appeared to be a dream, which I was trapped in and the final result was death. The absence of expectations made me search for happiness and love in physical things. However, the happiness through physical gains lasted temporarily, usually only a few minutes. As described in the Bible, life on earth is like a chasing of the wind; a vicious cycle without achievement. Amidst this gloom, I remember the day I met true love and happiness.

Truthfully, on the day I learned of Mother Jerusalem and Heavenly Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong in the Church of God World Mission Society World Mission Society, my first reaction was anger. I could not believe how much I had been lied to. I could not believe that our Heavenly Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong hard already come and that our heavenly Mother was here on earth suffering for us and because of my sins, I was blind to true love and did not realize that I was subjected to lies and deceit. But then, relief came over me as I learned of Father and Mother. After having the weight of chasing the wind and running the directionless wheel lifted off, I felt at peace and much lighter.

When I saw a video of our Mother, I was enchanted, like the characters in fairy tales when spells of love are cast on them. It was both unbelievable and amazing how much love was in Her eyes, Her smile and in every graceful movement she made. Just watching Mother on video, I felt her unceasing love and how blessed I was to be looking at her image. Seeing Mother, Almighty God, on video made my heart want to explode with joy and happiness. I could not believe that I had finally found the exact meaning to the words “happiness” and “love”: Our Father Christ Ahn Sahng Hong and our Mother Jerusalem! From that moment on, all my hopes for earthly things vanished. I realized that every want and need was found in our Father and Mother.

Through our heavenly Father and Mother, I realized the hope for the kingdom of heaven. Every time I watch a video of Mother, I come to realize more and more that I was not looking for love, but rather that Father and Mother were looking for me. Even though I have not met Mother Jerusalem physically, I know that she is always with me.

She always protects me and shows me our Father and Mother’s undying love through the brothers and sisters in Zion. Soon, I hope to be able to see Mother and show Her how much I love her. I hope to see her soon and understand much more about the kingdom of heaven and ourFather and Mother’s love and sacrifice. Thanks and praise to Elohim God forever and ever for even allowing me to write these words! Thank You, Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother, for showing me the true meaning of love and happiness!
